Greenline Service Department

Greenline’s Service Department is ready to keep ALL of your equipment running at top performance. From small engines (chainsaws, push mowers, etc.) to your heavy duty agricultural equipment (tractors, combines, etc.) and all of your accessories, we have your service needs covered. Bring it to us or we’ll come to you!

- Our service technicians are ready to give you that great Greenline service you have come to expect here in our service department right at your own front door.

- To keep your lawn equipment in top condition, simply schedule an appointment by phone at (540) 373-7520, and let our mobile service technicians take care of the rest. What could be easier?

The Ready To Mow 14 Point Inspection:

1. Check and tighten hardware                                       2. Check safety systems

3. Check hydraulic filter                                                   4. Change engine oil and filter

5. Change spark plugs                                                    6. Change air filter and precleaner

7. Change fuel filter                                                         8. Check engine coolant

9. Clean engine, battery, radiator; and mower          10. Check tire pressure and mower deck level

11. Lubricate tractor and mower                                     12. Sharpen mower blades

13. Check belts and mower adjustments                       14.  Check transmission oil and filter

- JD 100 and X300 Series Tractors, Z300 Series Zero Turns Regular $355.00

- JD X500 Series Tractors, Z500 Series Zero Turns Regular $385.00

- JD X700 Series Tractors and Z700 Series Zero Turns Regular $415.00

- JD Gas powered Commercial Mowers $435.00

- JD Diesel powered Commercial Mowers $455.00

- Contact our service department at 540-373-7520 for any questions on pricing.